I have decided to rejoin a gym. I have an elliptical trainer at home I love using. I plan to continue to use it, so it won't be a clothing rack any time soon!
However, I miss the social aspects of the gym. More than that, I need a place to take the kids this summer! During the summer, getting out to go workout without having a heatstroke was always a blessing. The kids needed the break from me, and I from them. This time, I'm joining a gym with a pool and tons of kids' activities. Lots of my friends are members. and I hope to lounge at the pool chatting away while the kids burn off tons of energy.
Also, Steve has changed his schedule, so I want to make sure I get in workouts even if they can't be with him. Getting three kids to the gym at 0900 borders on impossible. Plus, they are right there with me, and I always stress myself out regarding good behavior. The other workout time is 1800 four days a week. I tend to work night shift a couple of nights a week, so I have to be on my way to the hospital at that point. Have no fears, my goal is to still work out with Steve as many days each week as possible....at least three. However, I'm trying to also make this fit into my life. He is my trainer, and I can't make it through this year without him.
Case and point, here is this week's schedule for me.
Sunday night- work
Monday- get home from work, kids to school, MS appointment, Josh OT appointment, cook dinner, and (oh yeah) sleep at some point
Tuesday- get bloodwork, go to Monkey Joe's and plan kids' birthday party, go to gym to workout, but Steve can't make it, go home, work out on elliptical, take Josh to his pre-op appointment, go to work
Wednesday- get home from work, kids to school, go run 4 miles, pick up teacher appreciation lunches, lunch with Raj, get kids from school, crash on couch for 45 minutes, Josh has Speech therapy appointment that runs late, miss work out with Steve, dinner,
Thursday- MOPS (which I cannot live without), go join gym, workout, go to work for the night
Friday- leave work early. get Raj and Josh to go to CHOA for surgery, won't be home until 1500 or later, take care of my sweet boy
Saturday- hopefully go for a long run, then workout with Steve, take care of my little man, I think there's a birthday party to attend
Sunday- get up and run, go to church, clean, laundry, go back to work for the night
I just need to make sure I have every opportunity to squeeze in my exercise. If we are talking schedules, my life will always be an excuse to stay fat. I'm not going to let that happen.
I also have one other thing I'm considering......
I may be going gluten free. Love him or hate him,
Neal Boortz has really gotten me thinking about the role of gluten in my obesity and my multiple sclerosis. Currently, I'm reading the book
Wheat Belly to learn more about the problems with gluten. It's really intriguing. I'll let you know what I think after I finish the book.
That's all for tonight!