Guess which one I am?!??!?!?!
I'm giving everyone reading this credit for knowing I'm the tortoise. I know you are all that smart!
I stepped in the scale at the gym yesterday and weighed 209. Here's hoping that's what the scale says when I weigh in next week! Slowly but surely my weight is going down. I just can't quit. It's okay to be slow as long as your never stop. That's what I keep telling myself!
I'm loving being a member of the gym I joined, and the kids are too! My new dilemma is how to handle training with Steve. I'll be honest, I only went once this week. I've been to the gym five days though. I have to figure out how to make it all work for me. That's what I'm learning through this experience. If I can't make it work for me, I'm not going to succeed. I'm going to start taking some classes at the gym and continue trying to work with Steve. I don't want to be going to different places any more than necessary. If you don't have kids, you will never know how much they change the equation. I can't go and do the way I did before kids. Where ever I go, all of them go with me. They are such troopers! Needless to say, they are really playing a major factor in this challenge....and they don't even know it!
I'm so lucky to have everyone at the Suwanee Magazine cheering me one! They are such awesome advocates and supporters of my journey. I know I haven't made it easy for them with all my changes lately, but they just keep supporting me. I'm still shocked I'm getting to be a part of this challenge. I want to do my best to make everyone proud and challenged to get fit. It's not easy, but it sure is worth it.
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