Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Can't Quit

I can't quit.  I hate being fat.  I hate it.  however, this summer has been hard.  It's hard to lose weight without having time to work out or eat right.  In fact, these are the times I tend to gain weight.  I feel like I'm coming back to the land of the living and can now exercise.  I have never been so happy to see the gym in all my life.  Next week week I'm doing some metabolic testing at the gym.  It is going to help me know exactly what I need to do to lose weight.  It is even going to tell me where I need to keep my heart rate willing exercising to lose the most weight.  Please pray I can do this.  I want to be thinner and healthy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Miss Me?

Miss me much?  Wowzers.  It has been a rough week for me.  I hurt my back last Monday (8 days ago) and have been out of commission ever since.  Let me rephrase that one for you.  I still have been covering for another midwife who had a personal emergency. I have still been caring for the kiddos.  However, outside of those two things I have not been able to function.  Honestly, I only was able to manage doing what I did because I had no options.  My children must be taken care of, and I must work.  It has been brutal though.

I broke down and went to the chiropractor yesterday.  I really don't want to take any more drugs than I already take because of my Multiple Sclerosis.  Thus, I knew an MD would help me much.  Before yesterday, I had never been to see a chiropractor.  That surprises a lot of people since I am a nurse midwife, but until now, I've never had a reason to go.

I'm now a true believer.  Wow, she saved my life.  I can move, get out of bed, sit for short periods of time and turn without thinking I may die.  I actually went and saw her twice yesterday.  That is how severe the pain and damage was for me.  Today, I'm still definitely in pain, but NOTHING like I was this past week.  Moving still hurts.  Standing from this sitting position hurts.  Sitting in my car still hurts.  However, now I can do all these things without crying.  I'm pretty tough, so you know how bad it is when I cry.  The chiropractor says it is still going to take another week or two to feel normal again.  I'm okay with that one.  I have hope this pain will go away, and I will be back to real self soon.

For anyone who reads my blog and is discouraged by all the curve balls life throws and get you off your path of losing weight, I'm there.  I understand.  I may be the one losing weight the slowest, but I will do it.  Just don't give up.  I have no intentions of giving up!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

March for Babies

Ack!  I'm supposed to be posting at least twice a week!  Somehow or another, 6 days have passed since my last post!  I'm not sure how the time keeps moving so quickly!

Me speaking at the March for Babies today.

Today was a very special day for my family.  We have been the ambassador family for the North Fulton Chapter of the March of Dimes.  I have had the privilege of sharing our story many times the past few months.  It has even been neater because I have been able to share our story at Northside Hospital, where the babies were born.  Today was the culmination of so many people's hard work.  Today was the March for Babies.  We walked nearly five miles, while pushing the triple jog stroller, honoring all of the families and babies who have fought the battle of prematurity and birth defects.  Not all of these babies survived, but we are hoping with research, one day every baby will survive and thrive the way mine have!

Wow!  I'm truly the most blessed Mom in the world.  Here is a quick synopsis of my kiddos' story below the pictures.  If you want to read more about it, here are the links to the blog I posted in for years documenting our story.



Evie being held for the first time.
Evie today!
Maggie at one day old had not even been able to be held yet.
Maggie today!

Josh being held for the first time within 36 hours of birth.
Josh today!

Our first family photo!

Our family today!

My triplets were born too early at 31 weeks 6 days.  This was after nearly fifteen weeks of bedrest and included a 33 day hospital stay for me.  They really wanted to come at 27 weeks, but we were determined NOT to let that happen.  In fact, 4 years ago at this very moment, I was in the hospital praying for every day I could get to keep them "cooking" inside me.  Oh it was hard.  In fact, hard doesn't really even describe it.  I wanted them to be big and healthy.  If the doctors would have told me to hang by my toes, I would have done it.  The fear and stress during that time was more than I can ever explain.

We were so blessed at how well the babies did in the NICU.  They weighed 3# 14oz, 3# 8.5oz, and 3# 13 oz at birth.  They ended up spending 27 days in the NICU and all coming home together!  Oh what an amazing day that was for me and Raj!  Our lives were forever changed by all we went through and all we've been through over the past four years.Now, I hope to encourage other families enduring many of the same hardships we endured.  

Today, my kids told me they wanted to win the race and get metals.  I told them they were already winners.  They had fought and beat odds other children can't beat.  They are already winners to me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

May I Sing Like Dora For A Moment?

I did it!  I did it!  I did it!  Hooray!

There!  I feel better now!

I had seriously contemplated not running the Zooma Women's Half Marathon at Lake Lanier this weekend, but I did it!  I have to say I feel so proud of myself.  I'm super duper sore, but that's okay!

I met some neat people at the race.  I met two women who work for Big Peach Running Company in Kennesaw and Atlanta.  They both are friends with the manager at our Big Peach!  That was cool.  Then, I met a set of identical twins who were running the race.  It was neat to talk with them about being a multiple and get some much needed advice.

The other lady I met really challenged me.  I finally have something on my bucket list.  I want to run a half marathon in every state before I die.  Doesn't that sound cool?  She was here from Austin, Texas to mark Georgia off her list.  Isn't that so neat?  I'm certain it will take me decades to do it, but I look forward to the challenge.  I wish I remembered her name......  She truly made a mark on me.

The race was so hard, and not just because I'm out of shape.  We ran the same 6.5 miles twice, and the hills were everywhere.  Holy smokes it was hard.  I loved how they said the race course had "rolling hills";  Um, no.  Not at all.  It was either up or down. and the ups were longer than the downs.  That's neither here nor there at this point.  It was a very mellow race which allowed me to finish without feeling like I was going to be picked up by the "too late to finish" bus.  The views of the lake and the breeze made for a wonderful time to be outside succeeding.

I have to remind myself that things I want to happen may not come easy, but with perseverance, I will succeed!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tortoise and the Hare

Guess which one I am?!??!?!?!

I'm giving everyone reading this credit for knowing I'm the tortoise.  I know you are all that smart!

I stepped in the scale at the gym yesterday and weighed 209.  Here's hoping that's what the scale says when I weigh in next week!  Slowly but surely my weight is going down.  I just can't quit.  It's okay to be slow as long as your never stop.  That's what I keep telling myself!

I'm loving being a member of the gym I joined, and the kids are too!  My new dilemma is how to handle training with Steve.  I'll be honest, I only went once this week.  I've been to the gym five days though.  I have to figure out how to make it all work for me. That's what I'm learning through this experience.  If I can't make it work for me, I'm not going to succeed.  I'm going to start taking some classes at the gym and continue trying to work with Steve.  I don't want to be going to different places any more than necessary.  If you don't have kids, you will never know how much they change the equation.  I can't go and do the way I did before kids.  Where ever I go, all of them go with me.  They are such troopers!  Needless to say, they are really playing a major factor in this challenge....and they don't even know it!

I'm so lucky to have everyone at the Suwanee Magazine cheering me one!  They are such awesome advocates and supporters of my journey.  I know I haven't made it easy for them with all my changes lately, but they just keep supporting me.  I'm still shocked I'm getting to be a part of this challenge.  I want to do my best to make everyone proud and challenged to get fit.  It's not easy, but it sure is worth it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

No Excuses, Just Me

It's hard to explain my life to people who don't know me.  I'm a wife.  I'm a mom to triplets who will be four in less than a month.  I'm am certified nurse midwife.  I'm a person who enjoys going non stop most of the time.  Losing weight and dieting is hard for me to do with my crazy life.

Today, I was trying to explain to Steve why all protein and no carbs doesn't work for me.  However, I hate excuses, so I choose to freely say I choose not to do it right now.  I'm on the go almost all of the time.  I take my kids to the zoo, the aquarium, the park, the pool or anywhere else we can find to go; daily.  Yes, I said daily.  I've learned the kids behave so much better when we are out, and we have a blast!  However, that means I either buy us lunch out or I pack a lunch.  I try pretty hard to pack lunches since it's cheaper and healthier, but I don't always take the time to make them.

For my lunches, I either have a protein bar or some string cheese yogurt and fruit.  Honestly, that's just the leftovers from what I pack for the kids to eat.  As long as I'm honest about my BLT's (bites, licks and tastes), I am fine.  It's just when I choose to ignore the twenty pieces of candy I ate that I get into trouble.  I don't care how fast the weight comes off.  That is not the major goal to me.  I just want the weight to come off as I relearn correct eating.  So, that's food with the kids.

Then, there's work.  One interesting thing about babies is they often come in the middle of the night and on weekends.  Shocker, right?!?!  Because my first priority is to my family, I work almost all nights and weekends.  What this amounts to is working all day at home taking care of the kids, then working all night at the hospital.  Last time I checked, there are no Smoothie Kings or Chick-fil-a's open in the middle of the night.  However, McDonald's is open 24 hours at the hospital, and I do love a good cheeseburger.  Also, there are always Krispy Kreme donuts in the doctor's lounge for us to eat.  I swear they call me name each time I walk past them.  When I'm exhausted at 0330 after catching two babies and assisting on a c-section, that food looks really good.  I try to make myself have a protein bar or some pretzels.  In fact, I've been pretty successful if we are just talking about calories.  Protein as a "grab and go snack" makes my stomach churn at odd hours of the night.  I feel so proud of myself every time I leave the hospital not having eaten a donut.  For me, that is true success!

Okay, I've rambled enough for tonight.  I do have to explain my husband's amazing cooking in another post.  It deserves a lot of attention!

I guess all I have written tonight is to say losing weight and being healthy has to fit my life.  I'm working at figuring out what to do and what not to do to reach my goals.  Losing weight is definitely not a one size fits all journey.  I just want to find my size.  Good night.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gym Joined!

I joined the gym.  In my opinion, a gym is a gym is a gym.  However, I really like the pools this gym offers, and I love the hours!  The kids seem to really like the child care area too.  Honestly, I really joined to take the kids swimming this summer and not be their exclusive entertainment while there!  We have friends at this gym, so the kids and I will have people to visit with all summer long.

I have worked out five days this week now!  Go me!  Today, I took the kids for a 3.5 mile run.  It was much slower than I expected because I used a different stroller than normal.  This one was awful.  I will ONLY be using this one at the zoo or Disney World.  It folds up, and my other doesn't.  Gotta love the life of triplet jog strollers :).

I'm also recovering from this insane week I had.  After Josh's surgery, I slept for 17 hours straight.  Can we say exhaustion?  I delivered 2 babies between 0100 and 0500 the day of surgery.  I never got an ounce of rest that entire night.  Oh well.  I survived.  Josh did great through surgery.  In fact, he acts virtually fine today.    Raj has been super dad and husband!  I am so blessed!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I have decided to rejoin a gym.  I have an elliptical trainer at home I love using.  I plan to continue to use it, so it won't be a clothing rack any time soon!

However, I miss the social aspects of the gym.  More than that, I need a place to take the kids this summer!  During the summer, getting out to go workout without having a heatstroke was always a blessing.  The kids needed the break from me, and I from them.  This time, I'm joining a gym with a pool and tons of kids' activities. Lots of my friends are members. and I hope to lounge at the pool chatting away while the kids burn off tons of energy.

Also, Steve has changed his schedule, so I want to make sure I get in workouts even if they can't be with him.  Getting three kids to the gym at 0900 borders on impossible.  Plus, they are right there with me, and I always stress myself out regarding good behavior.  The other workout time is 1800 four days a week.  I tend to work night shift a couple of nights a week, so I have to be on my way to the hospital at that point.  Have no fears, my goal is to still work out with Steve as many days each week as possible....at least three.  However, I'm trying to also make this fit into my life.  He is my trainer, and I can't make it through this year without him.

Case and point, here is this week's schedule for me.

Sunday night- work
Monday- get home from work, kids to school, MS appointment, Josh OT appointment, cook dinner, and (oh yeah) sleep at some point
Tuesday- get bloodwork, go to Monkey Joe's and plan kids' birthday party, go to gym to workout, but Steve can't make it, go home, work out on elliptical, take Josh to his pre-op appointment, go to work
Wednesday- get home from work, kids to school, go run 4 miles, pick up teacher appreciation lunches, lunch with Raj, get kids from school, crash on couch for 45 minutes, Josh has Speech therapy appointment that runs late, miss work out with Steve, dinner,
Thursday- MOPS (which I cannot live without), go join gym, workout, go to work for the night
Friday- leave work early. get Raj and Josh to go to CHOA for surgery, won't be home until 1500 or later, take care of my sweet boy
Saturday- hopefully go for a long run, then workout with Steve, take care of my little man, I think there's a birthday party to attend
Sunday- get up and run, go to church, clean, laundry, go back to work for the night

I just need to make sure I have every opportunity to squeeze in my exercise.  If we are talking schedules, my life will always be an excuse to stay fat.  I'm not going to let that happen.

I also have one other thing I'm considering......
I may be going gluten free.  Love him or hate him, Neal Boortz has really gotten me thinking about the role of gluten in my obesity and my multiple sclerosis.  Currently, I'm reading the book Wheat Belly to learn more about the problems with gluten.  It's really intriguing.  I'll let you know what I think after I finish the book.

That's all for tonight!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm Back

After an impromptu trip to the beach over Spring break, I'm back home.

Let's just say I didn't do too well over the past ten days......at all.  See, I have this problem call "Hand to Mouth" disease.  The symptoms of this disease is finding any food (preferably sugar and carbs), picking it up and placing it in the mouth.  Then, this process is repeated over and over and over and over again.  Yes sir, I have this disease worse than anyone I know.  In fact, it is made worse by sitting in the car for hours with candy all around.  The exacerbation I had was so severe that the stocks of the candy companies should have skyrocketed last week.

Yes, I joke, but it was not a good week for me on the diet front.

Did you know there's always some reason to eat yummy food?  Let's see, there's Easter, birthdays, trips, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day to name a few.  Something has to change.  Since I'm certain the holidays are here to stay, I have to be the one to change.  Wow, that's so easy to write and so impossible to do it seems to me.

Now I have to come up with a plan since everything I've done in the past month was destroyed in one fatal swoop.

Here's my plan:
1.  Do at least 30 minutes of cardio on the days I work out with Steve.
2.  On two to three other days of the week, I will do 45-60 minutes of cardio.
3.  I will drink my water.
4.  I will write everything down.
5.  I will make an abbreviated plan to help me survive all the celebrations.

I really do hope this works.  I am DREADING the weigh in two weeks from now.  I will weep if the scale shows I haven't lost any or have gained weight.  I don't want to embarrass myself like that.  Here's hoping to a super duper successful two weeks!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bustin' My Chops

I'm so mad.  I'm so aggravated.  I'm over it.  Oh yeah I am.  We are only in month one of this challenge.  I have dropped a total of 3-4 pounds this month being generous withe the scale.  That's it.  That's all.  I'm eating 1200-1400 calories a day.  I'm working out at least five times a week.  I'm not saying I want to give up or quit or anything of the sort.  I just have to figure out how to make this work for me and my life.

Steve and I are on totally different planets when it comes to the diet part of this program.  He is happy to eat chicken and veggies with virtually no flavoring.  That just nauseates me.  I mean totally, queasy nauseates me.  He has never had weight issues.  He doesn't get it.  I adore working out with him, but I can't (or don't want to) do what Steve recommends.  It just doesn't fit my life at all.

I live in a house where I have to feed three kids who need calories and carbohydrates.  I can skip eating a lot of it, but I break down and have a small portion.  Then I feel like a complete and total failure because I have had some bread or frozen yogurt.  I continue to do the best I can, but I'm frustrated with myself and the situation.  I understand this diet is to help me lose weight fast, but I will never be able to keep it up, so why not try something that fits my lifestyle?

I feel there is such a disconnect on this one issue.  Is there any way to just eat healthy and lose weight?  How many calories should I eat a day?  How many grams of protein should I eat?  How many carbohydrates are acceptable?  These are the questions I need answered, but no one seems to know the answer.

I hate feeling like I'm a bad person for sneaking a few of my kids' jellybeans when in reality, I'm being super successful.  See, last Easter, I would have eaten three or four bags of jelly beans and too many Peeps to count.  Where am I going wrong?

I feel like I'm bustin' my chops and not seeing any results.  Urgh.
This all from your frustrated mom and contestant.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fun Race With Two Of My Critters!

I love running in races!  They are great fun to me.  Generally, I don’t run a race a week though!  However, living in Suwanee, with Town Center Park as a wonderful starting point, we have numerous races.  If I choose, I can even walk to the start!  There is no way to beat that one!
Today’s race was sponsored by the SPCA, so there were tons of dogs running the race too!  I only have a cat, and I’m certain she didn’t want to participate.  So, I took Maggie and Josh!  Since they were both awake before I left this morning, I dressed them, gave them each a Nutri Grain bar and took them with me.  They love getting to ride in the stroller while I run.  Our discussions while I run really crack me up.  The major themes on this run were how it is not safe to ever stand on railroad tracks (since we saw a dad and his two kids on the tracks) and how we were going to win the “Piston Cup” (from Cars the movie if you don’t already know that one)!

Numerous runners commented on how hard it must be to run pushing two kids.  All I could think is three in a triple stroller is much harder!  Running with kids isn’t the easiest, but when you use the run/walk method, anything is possible.  I run for two minutes and walk for one minute.  During my one minute walk, I let the kids hop out and run.  It is really a great way for all of us to get a little exercise in each day.  If you haven’t tried this method, give it a shot.  I love it.

It was great to see some of the Get Fit Challenge at the race!  That was super encouraging to me.  Also, since I was having stroller issues, a friend loaned me her stroller to use for the race.  Thanks so much!!  
After the race, the kids and I went to Planet Smoothie, then to the park where Raj road he and Evie down to play with us.  What an awesome end to a great morning!

I only have a month until the half marathon!  That will probably be my next race!  You will hear a lot from me between now and then!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Tomorrow, I'll go with no dairy....tomorrow!  Steve seems to think that's the reason I'm not losing weight.  I'm not sold, but I'll definitely give it a shot, I guess.  I like cheese and yogurt.  That is what's been keeping me sane. Oh well.  I'll give it one week to see what happens.  However, I'll start that tomorrow after I enjoy some more of my low-fat, sugar-free fake keylime pie stuff I made tonight.  Yeah.  Tomorrow.  I hope.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Busy, Fun Weekend

It has been such a wonderful weekend!  Raj and I have gotten so much accomplished around our house!  We now have two fans and a swing on the front porch!  We have flowers in our new planters, and the pine straw has been put down!  I'm pretty terrified it's going to be a sweltering summer, but I'm going to enjoy all of these wonderful warm Spring days until then!

I actually ran a 5k here in Suwanee yesterday.  It was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Suwanee, and it was great fun!  We ran through Old Town Suwanee, and I heard a lot of people discussing the hills and how hard the were to run.  For me, the hills were okay.  I'm used to running through this area because it's where we live.  All I could think is the hills could have been much worse had the route been different!  It really is all in your perspective I guess!

The other thing I loved about the race was the cool temperature and the drizzling rain!  It was so cool and comfortable.  Had it been pouring rain, I may not have liked it as much!  It was also awesome to see Divya, another "Get Fit Suwanee" contestant at the race!  That was such an encouragement to me.

Today, I went for my long run!  I'm training for the Zooma Women's Half Marathon at Lake Lanier on April 22, so I ran 9.5 miles.  I must remind myself waking up early for long runs is highly recommended when the high will be in the 80's.

One of the wonderful things about running from my house to the new section of the greenway and into George Pierce Park are the water fountains.  I was able to refill my water bottle to stay hydrated.  That was truly a lifesaver.  I started trying to ration my water before realizing I would pass a fountain.  It would not have been wise to do that on such a hot day.

The negative part of the run was the hill from the bottom of the greenway all the way back to my house!  I think the last two and a half miles were all uphill.  Brutal.  Since I went for the run without having eaten enough, I stopped by the smoothie shop in Town Center, bought a bottle of water and a low calorie, high protein smoothie.  It may have looked a little odd to see a person running with a water bottle and a smoothie, but it saved me!  Plus, when I got home the kids took it and finished the other half of it for me!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

Good Reminder

These are scrub pants I want to fit and wear.

This was me several weeks ago (Ignore the expression on my face, I'm post call and tired.)

This is me today!  I'm losing something for sure!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gotta Love Warm Weather

Today was such a beautiful day.  Warm, sunny days in the middle of March do something for the soul.  I didn't wake up very motivated, but once I realized my babysitter was at the house helping the kids since I accidentally scheduled her for today, my got better.  I have felt weary lately.  Not really tired, just weary.  I think everyone understands how kids, life, work, and everything else can just make one feel weary.  This has been my week of weariness.  Just having Megan at the house this morning to help with the kids before school while I rested (and freaked out wondering where I was supposed to be) turned my day into a wonderful one.

After dropping off the kids at school, I went to Lowe's and bought flowers and planters for the porch.  Then, I got to visit with my neighbor for a little while before going to workout.  Today's workout actually felt good.  I didn't feel exhausted while I was there or after I left.  That was such a relief after how hard it's been for me this week.

Once I picked up the kids from school, we came home and planted all my new plants.  The kids loved "helping" me, and I enjoyed their company.  The warm sun hitting my back, the buzz of the bees and three squealing kiddos made this day wonderful.

Plus, the scale was down another pound today :).

Thursday, March 15, 2012

8-10 and 2

8-10 inches is what I have lost by my measurements.  Two pounds is what I've lost with the scale.  I keep reminding myself that if I continue to do what I'm supposed to do, the scale will also show a difference.  I hope so.  I've been so hungry for "real" food, and I think that has been one of my issues.  Now that I'm counting my calories and trying to keep my diet full of protein, I know I will see a change.  It's just a little challenging when I'm working so hard and not seeing the results where I want to see them on the scale, even if my clothes are fitting better.  
Lots of the other contestants are losing big numbers on the scale already.  I want to be losing big too.  I'm working really hard.  I know I am doing what I need to do.  I know I'll soon be seeing the results.  I will just call it what it is, jealousy.  I'm jealous, but thrilled, by how much others are losing.  I'm a very competitive person, so I hate feeling like I'm behind.  I'm going to be like the little red car in the Berenstein Bear's "The Great Race".  My little engine is going to keep going pit-pit-pit-pit-pit until the end.  I want to get healthy.  It's going to happen!
Time and patience is what I have to give it right now.  I just want to be below 200 pounds when my kids turn 4 May 14th.  Last year I tried my hardest not to be in any of the pictures.  In fact, the ones I'm in, I deleted.  I hate seeing myself so heavy.  I don't want Raj or the kids to see me like this for much longer.  Thirteen pounds.  I can do that in one day less than two months.  Cheer me on!  This is my first real goal for the challenge!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Alive!

Wow!  Call just really can kick me in the hiney.  There were tons of babies and tons of excitement.  Nothing less than what I anticipated.  It was harder trying to watch what I ate than dealing with all the other drama.  I have come to one conclusion, high protein and virtually no carbs doesn't work for me and my life.  I'm going to talk to Steve about it tomorrow.  I'm a numbers person, and I would prefer to know how many calories, proteins and carbs are okay for my diet.  In fact, I'm starting to think using a Weight Watchers-esque diet is going to work best for my crazy life.  Then, I can just count my calories and not beat myself up about "cheating".

Yesterday, I was totally bummed about the scale not showing any loss that I proceeded to eat any sugar I could get my hands on.  It was ugly.  I'm not ready to fess up to the world what sugars those were though.  Let's just say it was better than good.  I will admit to stealing and eating one of Raj's Cadbury Creme Egg!  It really wasn't as good as I remembered it to be.  However, I did like a lot of it though :).

Today I'm much more on plan, or shall we say "my plan".  My calories are below 1200, and that's all I'm aiming to do right now.  I met up with a friend and we went on the Tuesday evening run with the Big Peach Running Company starting at Suwanee Town Center.  It was so great!  We ran 5.4 miles on part of the redone Suwanee Greenway.  It was amazing!  I am ultra impressed with what the city has done for the greenway into George Pierce Park.  I plan on running through that area again very soon!  I had always avoided that area because it wasn't paved and there were tons of roots to trip over.  I don't have any of that to worry about anymore!

Tomorrow we will be doing measurements.  I'm not real excited, but it will be interesting to see if all the work I have done is showing at all.  I really hope it is, because I feel a little discouraged today.  Tomorrow will be a  better day.  I know it will be better! Plus, quitting is NOT an option!  Good night!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Walking The Halls

So Steve, my trainer, has this horrible obsession with lunges.  I truly think he likes watching us grimace with pain!  Those suckers are hard!  Have you ever tried skipping lunges?  Well, if you think lunges are bad, then skipping lunges are just evil!  Tonight I told Steve with all the different lunge-like exercises we do, my butt is going to look great this summer!

Towards the end of our workout, Steve said we needed to do one more set.  I proceeded to ask if we had to "walk the halls" one more time (thinking of lunges)!  I was contemplating one more set of lunges as punishment!  Steve heard what I said before I even realized it.  We all got a good laugh out of my incorrect verbiage!  From now on every set of lunges done with be called "walking the halls"!  Gotta love it (I think:))!

It's great to be able to joke through the hard work.

By the way, not a single cookie today!

Tomorrow starts the 48 hours of call between tomorrow morning and Monday morning.  I think I'm mentally ready to succeed!


Chocolate.  Chip.  Cookies.
'Nuff said.

Thanks for the advice and tips on sharing and snacking with the kids!  I am going to be using some of the tips, probably tomorrow!

Today was really a great day.  I swam the entire time the kids were taking their lessons, so I was able to multi-task.  It sure is nice to be able to do that on occasion.  Plus, I love swimming!  There's a "Try a Tri" race at Lake Lanier later this Spring I'm contemplating trying this year.  We'll see.

For a moment, I would like to share a Maggie story.  I love that sweet girl.  She loves to swim.  When I say loves, I mean LOVES to swim.  She walked around the house yesterday before swim lessons in her bathing suit.  This morning, she woke me up with her bathing suit already on!  She proceeded to tell me we needed to get up and go swim.  So precious!  In fact, she told me tonight she wants to go to swimming lessons tomorrow.  Eek.  We only have lessons scheduled for once a week.  I think I may try to get her into a Saturday morning class without her siblings!  I love knowing how much she loves to swim!!

Well, the three small chocolate chip cookies I ate tonight were good.  I wish I wouldn't have eaten them, but at least I stopped.  That is actually a small victory for me.  Normally, I would have eaten 6 or 7 of them before getting a drink to wash them down and eat more.  I do call that a success tonight!

The week's about to add some challenges  for me.  I have 48 hours of call before Monday.  I will be interested in seeing how it plays out.  I hope I can keep the Krispy Kream doughnuts to a minimum :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Anyone Else With My Problem?

I have one major issue. Whatever I pull out to eat, my children decide to come"share" it with me. Sometimes I really think I eat double not really knowing how much I've eaten. It is really one of the most frustrating issues for me. I know you may be thinking I just need to tell them no, but it just isn't that easy. My kids much prefer my healthy foods, so I don't mind sharing.

Oh well. I'm trying to learn to be healthy with the life I have. This is just another little challenge I have to overcome. any ideas are greatly appreciated.

I did get to work out again last night. I have decided it may never get easier, but I am definitely enjoying it! Steve is the kindest, yet toughest, trainer. Sometimes I think his kindness tricks me into being okay with him increasing the speed or incline on the treadmill. I'm relishing these moments I love working out, because I know every day won't feel "fun". However, the results sure are going to be worth it!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hi!  Welcome to my life!  This is the one place I can easily "verbalize" my thoughts and feelings as I work towards becoming healthy and fit!  Some days will be good, some will be great, and others may be a struggle.  I have so many goals I want to reach this year.  The first is I would like to lose at least 40 pounds.  I also want to run two half marathons.  However, my first small goal is to weigh less than 200 pounds when my children turn 4 May 14th.  My weight as of last week was 215 pounds.  I will be stepping on the scale again tomorrow when I work out.  It will definitely be interesting to see what it says.......

I will probably also be posting what I eat a lot of days on here and my exercise from that day.  That will definitely keep me honest.  Any encouragement or advice is greatly appreciated!

One more quick thing, I ran 7.36 miles today in 1 hour 26 minutes!!
