Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Almost Time!

I can't believe the half marathon is Sunday!!!  I'm so excited and nervous!  I really ready to just get it done.  It's going to be hot this weekend.  In Georgia, I've been running in 30-45 degree weather.  In Florida on race day, the temperature is going to be 70-80 degrees.  That is really what worries me.  I know it will make my race time really slow.  That worries me because I don't want to feel disappointed with my time.  I just need to know I have done my best.......

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Long Time

I can't believe how long it's taken me to get back tot the computer.  Between my incredibly intense work schedule and never ending sick children, it has been nuts.  I really mean exhausting.  I actually had to take 5 days off exercising between work and sick kids.  There just wasn't a moment to get it done.  I had no seconds for myself at all.  There was always some sweet, sick kiddo needing his or her mom.  So, instead of exercising, I laid in my bed and watched Peter Pan over and over and over and over again.  At least it's a pretty cute movie!

I finally got two runs in the past two days.  Yesterday, I ran 4 miles.  Today, I ran 5.5 miles!  Go me!  I can't believe it's less than a week until the half marathon.  I think I've trained as well as possible considering my crazy life, so I anticipate having fun and a decent time.

My only real concern about the race is the weather.  Shocker I know.  It's February.  Yes, I know, February in central Florida, but February nonetheless.  Right now, says the high on race day is going to be 89!  I am so glad the race starts at 0530 in the morning.  Otherwise, that type of temperature may just do me in!

I plan on another run tomorrow before going to work!  I still can't believe we have less than a week until the race!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Turn

No fair!  Yesterday, I forced myself to go for a run.  Honestly, I just didn't feel up to it.  I wrote it off as having been stuck in my house for a week with sick kids.  My run was so slow.  It was 13+  minute miles.  Even at that snails's pace, I was still dying.

I just didn't know what was wrong with me.  This morning I figured it out.  I woke up with a 101.5 fever.  That did answer all my questions as to why my run was so poor yesterday.  I'm still not feeling that great tonight, so I've decided to take the day off and heal.  It's painful to do since the half marathon is less than two weeks away.  Oh well.  I must get better.

Now, I must go check on another child who appears to be getting sick.........

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sick, Sick And More Sick

My weight loss and running have pretty much been on the back burner for the past few days.  At the rate we're going, I hope to be running before I go to Disney in two weeks.  Actually, with Raj home today, I plan on going for a run in just a little bit.  I need to get out.....badly.  Honestly, my entire body hurts from laying in bed so much this week.  However, I wouldn't trade my job with anyone in the world.  I love may babies wanting me and no one else....except Dad and MiMi!

My weight appears (since I don't actually stand on the scale long enough to see a real number) to be going down!  One of these days, I will just suck it up and actually stand on the scale long enough to see my weight.  Just not this day!

I'll post after I run!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Track Time With The Girls

This is how my day started.  Needless to say my sweet boy has the crud.  It's not the flu.  It's not strep.  It's not an ear infection.  It's just the crud causing him to wheeze and run high fever.  It stinks.  We snuggled today (and were up all night), so all my goals of getting a good workout in today vanished.  Oh well.  For any of my kids, I will always do what I need to do for them first.  

I finally made it to the high school track this evening.  Of all things, I had never been there before today.  The girls begged and begged to go run with me, so I broke down and took them.  I knew that had huge potential to once again ruin my attempt at a work out, but I gave it a shot anyway. 

 Both of my girls are good runners! I was actually impressed at how well they did.  Evie ran at least a half mile with me.  Then, she joined in for several shorter distances.  Maggie ran more than a quarter of a mile wit me.  Her asthma has been really bad lately, so she tired easier than her sister.  I'm super, duper impressed with how well she did considering how it's for her to breathe right now!  
They both wanted me to stop and play with them, so I would run one lap and then spend several minutes with them.  We even had to take a potty break right in the middle of everything!  So my watch may not show a good time, but it really is much better than how it appears.  I went. I did. I won.  That's the most important aspect.  I showed up and tried.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mind Over Body

Oh it was so hard to force myself to do my much needed long run today.  It should have been done yesterday, but I was post call and slept until almost 5:30 in the evening.  Needless to say, sleep was more important yesterday.  Saturday, I only walked about 2 miles.  I was on call for 24 hours and am pretty stuck having to be close to the hospital for a patient who walks in ready to deliver.  I also hate sweating and needing another shower while on call.

So, today after dropping my kids off at school, I went home and forced myself to run.  For me the hardest part of running is getting out the front door.  Once I do that, I'm generally good to go.  The first 1.8 miles consisted of talking with my sister and stopping at Chick-fil-a to go to the bathroom.  Oh yeah.  I also had to wait 2 minutes and 18 seconds at a red light.  That is the reason my time is so slow for the first part.  Oh well.  It is what it is.

The rest of the run went really well.  I did get a cramp in my foot around mile 9, but it went away....sort of.  I'm thrilled it's done!  I knew if I didn't do it, I would be mad at myself this evening.  Then, my much needed long run would hang over my head all week.  No, I feel nothing but success!  Go me!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Good Run

For me, this is a great time!  I know a 12 minute 15 second mile for many may not be impressive.  However, for me, it is!  I've been working on some intervals while running at the gym.  It has kept the boredom down a little bit.  Also, the intervals allow me to visit with my friend every third minute!  That makes it significantly more fun!  

Also, another success for me today was at work.  See, there was a birthday cake for one of the girls.  I ate ONE piece.  After that, I didn't nibble or sneak anymore.  It was really good cake might I add.  I could have eaten the entire thing.  Instead, I just enjoyed the one piece I was given.  And oh boy was is awesome!

Then, I know, I know, at Wal-Mart I didn't buy any candy....and the 640 calorie box of Sugar Babies were ONLY $.99!

Oh, while I was running I saw all these deer.  I couldn't help but stop and take a picture of them.  What a successful day!