Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Almost Time!

I can't believe the half marathon is Sunday!!!  I'm so excited and nervous!  I really ready to just get it done.  It's going to be hot this weekend.  In Georgia, I've been running in 30-45 degree weather.  In Florida on race day, the temperature is going to be 70-80 degrees.  That is really what worries me.  I know it will make my race time really slow.  That worries me because I don't want to feel disappointed with my time.  I just need to know I have done my best.......

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Long Time

I can't believe how long it's taken me to get back tot the computer.  Between my incredibly intense work schedule and never ending sick children, it has been nuts.  I really mean exhausting.  I actually had to take 5 days off exercising between work and sick kids.  There just wasn't a moment to get it done.  I had no seconds for myself at all.  There was always some sweet, sick kiddo needing his or her mom.  So, instead of exercising, I laid in my bed and watched Peter Pan over and over and over and over again.  At least it's a pretty cute movie!

I finally got two runs in the past two days.  Yesterday, I ran 4 miles.  Today, I ran 5.5 miles!  Go me!  I can't believe it's less than a week until the half marathon.  I think I've trained as well as possible considering my crazy life, so I anticipate having fun and a decent time.

My only real concern about the race is the weather.  Shocker I know.  It's February.  Yes, I know, February in central Florida, but February nonetheless.  Right now, says the high on race day is going to be 89!  I am so glad the race starts at 0530 in the morning.  Otherwise, that type of temperature may just do me in!

I plan on another run tomorrow before going to work!  I still can't believe we have less than a week until the race!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Turn

No fair!  Yesterday, I forced myself to go for a run.  Honestly, I just didn't feel up to it.  I wrote it off as having been stuck in my house for a week with sick kids.  My run was so slow.  It was 13+  minute miles.  Even at that snails's pace, I was still dying.

I just didn't know what was wrong with me.  This morning I figured it out.  I woke up with a 101.5 fever.  That did answer all my questions as to why my run was so poor yesterday.  I'm still not feeling that great tonight, so I've decided to take the day off and heal.  It's painful to do since the half marathon is less than two weeks away.  Oh well.  I must get better.

Now, I must go check on another child who appears to be getting sick.........

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sick, Sick And More Sick

My weight loss and running have pretty much been on the back burner for the past few days.  At the rate we're going, I hope to be running before I go to Disney in two weeks.  Actually, with Raj home today, I plan on going for a run in just a little bit.  I need to get out.....badly.  Honestly, my entire body hurts from laying in bed so much this week.  However, I wouldn't trade my job with anyone in the world.  I love may babies wanting me and no one else....except Dad and MiMi!

My weight appears (since I don't actually stand on the scale long enough to see a real number) to be going down!  One of these days, I will just suck it up and actually stand on the scale long enough to see my weight.  Just not this day!

I'll post after I run!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Track Time With The Girls

This is how my day started.  Needless to say my sweet boy has the crud.  It's not the flu.  It's not strep.  It's not an ear infection.  It's just the crud causing him to wheeze and run high fever.  It stinks.  We snuggled today (and were up all night), so all my goals of getting a good workout in today vanished.  Oh well.  For any of my kids, I will always do what I need to do for them first.  

I finally made it to the high school track this evening.  Of all things, I had never been there before today.  The girls begged and begged to go run with me, so I broke down and took them.  I knew that had huge potential to once again ruin my attempt at a work out, but I gave it a shot anyway. 

 Both of my girls are good runners! I was actually impressed at how well they did.  Evie ran at least a half mile with me.  Then, she joined in for several shorter distances.  Maggie ran more than a quarter of a mile wit me.  Her asthma has been really bad lately, so she tired easier than her sister.  I'm super, duper impressed with how well she did considering how it's for her to breathe right now!  
They both wanted me to stop and play with them, so I would run one lap and then spend several minutes with them.  We even had to take a potty break right in the middle of everything!  So my watch may not show a good time, but it really is much better than how it appears.  I went. I did. I won.  That's the most important aspect.  I showed up and tried.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mind Over Body

Oh it was so hard to force myself to do my much needed long run today.  It should have been done yesterday, but I was post call and slept until almost 5:30 in the evening.  Needless to say, sleep was more important yesterday.  Saturday, I only walked about 2 miles.  I was on call for 24 hours and am pretty stuck having to be close to the hospital for a patient who walks in ready to deliver.  I also hate sweating and needing another shower while on call.

So, today after dropping my kids off at school, I went home and forced myself to run.  For me the hardest part of running is getting out the front door.  Once I do that, I'm generally good to go.  The first 1.8 miles consisted of talking with my sister and stopping at Chick-fil-a to go to the bathroom.  Oh yeah.  I also had to wait 2 minutes and 18 seconds at a red light.  That is the reason my time is so slow for the first part.  Oh well.  It is what it is.

The rest of the run went really well.  I did get a cramp in my foot around mile 9, but it went away....sort of.  I'm thrilled it's done!  I knew if I didn't do it, I would be mad at myself this evening.  Then, my much needed long run would hang over my head all week.  No, I feel nothing but success!  Go me!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Good Run

For me, this is a great time!  I know a 12 minute 15 second mile for many may not be impressive.  However, for me, it is!  I've been working on some intervals while running at the gym.  It has kept the boredom down a little bit.  Also, the intervals allow me to visit with my friend every third minute!  That makes it significantly more fun!  

Also, another success for me today was at work.  See, there was a birthday cake for one of the girls.  I ate ONE piece.  After that, I didn't nibble or sneak anymore.  It was really good cake might I add.  I could have eaten the entire thing.  Instead, I just enjoyed the one piece I was given.  And oh boy was is awesome!

Then, I know, I know, at Wal-Mart I didn't buy any candy....and the 640 calorie box of Sugar Babies were ONLY $.99!

Oh, while I was running I saw all these deer.  I couldn't help but stop and take a picture of them.  What a successful day!


Thursday, January 31, 2013


So my sweet hubby came home from work sick today.  That kind of altered my plans for the afternoon.  I had really wanted to either take a Centergy class at the gym or go for a run.  Honestly, my knee is a little tender, so I really wanted to take the Centergy class.  I'm trying to broaden my horizons a little past running. Plus, my MS and spasticity really need the stretching and balance that comes from this.

Well, Raj slept all afternoon, and I would NEVER wake up someone who feels sick.  This is especially true when this sweet man often lets me sleep for hours after my call shifts.  So, I started searching for workout videos online.  First, I tried Netflix.  I am shocked and very disappointed they no longer stream workout videos.  Then, I thought about my Amazon Prime account.  They stream workout videos!  How awesome is that?!?!?  I tried streaming a free Denise Austin one.  However, something was up with m internet, and my laptop was being very temperamental.  Then, I tried using the computer attached to the television.  THen, Amazon said I couldn't stream it simultaneously.  Oh well.  I broke down and bought a workout video!

No complaints about the video minus every muscle that's screaming at me right now!  I did The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga and it was HARD.  Oh my it was hard.  Bob didn't allow any excuses for overweight people!  I was sweating big time.  At least I can do that video anytime I can't go to the gym or run.  I'm not giving up.  This is how I try..

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I was so unmotivated this morning.   The weather is NASTY.  There's a tornado watch for this area.  I really just wanted to stay home and be a bum.  However, I read the blog post on Runs for Cookies, and that's all it took to kick my tail into gear.  I went to the gym and ran 6.0 with 1% incline for two minutes and walked at 4.0 for one minute.  Then, unbeknownst to me, the treadmill was only set for 30 minutes, so it put me into cool down mode way before I was ready.  I ended up running through the cool down and then walking five more minutes.  I feel like the workout of was pretty good.  But more than anything, I DID IT!

This after the treadmill stopped...but I kept going!
I did buy my new pair of running shoes today!  Yay!  Now, I hope I can break them in before the half marathon.  I can't believe that's in 3.5 more weeks.  Yikes!  I'm still a little bummed my weight isn't dropping.  Maybe it is.....  I won't stand on the scale long enough to look at it............
I love my new shoes!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

8.56....Not Too Bad!

I did it!  I might have ran slowly,but I still did it!  Running at home with all the hills is SO MUCH HARDER than running at the beach where everything is flat.  However, this is going to help the half marathon be so much easier for me since it will be a flat, fast course.

This next week I must find or make something that will hold my phone on my arm.  I have the Galaxy Note II, so it's much bigger than the other phones and won't fit into those cases.  Today, no lie, I safety pinned a ziploc bag with my phone inside it onto my cooling vest.  I looked like an alien from outer space!  Ther must be a better way to take my phone without actually having to carry it in my hand.

I don't feel it's safe for me to run without my phone.  My MS causes me to have a foot drop after I've been running for a while.  I have tripped and fallen on several occasions.  I don't ever want to be injured and unable to call Raj for help.  Also, as a female running alone, I just feel safer with my phone.  Now I just want a "girlie" case to use!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Virtual 5k

I am enjoying getting back into blogging again!  It's so great to just write down my thoughts.  Today I ran a "Virtual 5k" with everyone else who follows the Runs for Cookies blog.  It's Katie's 31st birthday, so in honor of this day, she held a virtual 5k.  There are no winners or losers.  Everyone who participates should feel good about the accomplishment.  I know I do!

I had to run on the treadmill today instead of outside.  For a Georgia girl, it was cold and nasty outside.  Yes this means it was 36 degrees with a little drizzle.  It just wasn't the type of day I wanted to be outside.  Honestly, I wouldn't have minded it, but there was no way I pushing a triplet stroller with three almost 5 year old children in it!  So, I hit the gym and dropped the kids off at child care.  That ended up working great for me.

I have to admit the treadmill was nice because I was able to push myself a little differently than I do when I'm outside.  I would run at 6.0 with a 1% incline for two minutes.  Then, I would slow it down to 4.5 for one minute.  I was able to do this for a little more than 2 miles.  I really started struggling and decreased my fast speed to 5.5.  i can't believe I was able to do as well as I did.  I sure am glad I was able to watch "Everybody Loves Raymond" on my phone while running.  I really needed the distraction.  The only problem is I got tickled at one point and almost tripped because of my foot drop!  Otherwise, it went great!

It is so nice to be getting some much needed encouragement via blogs.  It really reminds me of the really special times and friendships from blogging about my pregnancy and triplets for so long.  What a happy memory <3!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Slow And Steady

I am so flippin' slow, and I hate it!  I know.  I know.  I know I've only been back to exercising for a month, but STILL.  This bites big time.  However, showing up and doing it is all that counts.  One month ago I wasn't even showing up.  Now, I'm not quitting.

A little half marathon update now....
No one is running with me.  I am totally on my own.  That's okay.  I know I can do it, but it's still a little disappointing to be doing all alone.  It's just not as much fun.  I'm praying I find some friends who can afford a quick weekend to Florida.  If not, I'm still going........

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post Call Days

Post call days are tough.  Oddly, last night's call was EASY!  Easy meaning, I slept until 0400.  Then, I fell back asleep at 0615.  However, the problem is I NEVER sleep well on call.  I wake up through the night wondering if I missed pages or calls.  It's really odd to have such a quiet night.  I won't complain though.

After dropping the kids off at school this morning, I came home and took a nap.  I had only planned on sleeping an hour or two,  Instead, I slept until 1:32....two minutes after preschool ended!  Oops!  I wasn't even the last person in carpool line!  Now that is what I call talent!!

Needless to say, I missed my morning gym time.  Because of that, I had to make myself go after dinner. I just seem to lose my motivation by 7:00.  However, I went.  It was hard to talk myself into going, but I did it anyway.  Now I can just file this success away to remind myself to not give up later on.

I'm on call tomorrow night,so I have to nap AND work out while the kids are at school!  I like planning my day the night before.  Now I just have to follow through.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

7 Mile Run

I feel pretty successful after this beach trip!  I'm trying really hard to remind myself since mom owns a beach house now, going there doesn't mean I can blow my diet!  That's a really hard one for me.  I'm used to going to the beach, telling myself this is special, and blowing my diet the entire time I'm there.  No more.  Yes, A splurge every once and a while is okay, but not hourly!  
Aren't they cute?  And aren't you jealous?!?!?

I didn't end up doing my seven mile run on Sunday.  I have to keep telling myself the morning is the best time to run.  Well Sunday, I waited...and waited...and waited.  I finally went for a quick 2 mile walk and run in the  dark.  I did it though!  I had planned to just walk two miles, but after a 17.5 minute walk, I decided to run the mile back to the house.  In the end, I didn't do too badly!

My night time walk/run time.

I set my mind to running my seven mile run the next morning, and I did it!  Running on an island is so wonderful!  It was flat, the views were gorgeous and I was able to see the ocean.  Seven miles is almost fun with those circumstances.  Running at home is so much harder because it's so hilly.  I at least feel like I'm keeping up with my goal of being able to complete this half marathon.  I can't wait for my next beach run!  It's can't come soon enough!
Half way through the run!

The completed seven miles!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beach Runs!

I am at the beach!  I have to say I'm a really lucky lady, and I know it!  I have to get in a 7 mile run tomorrow.  However because we are at the beach, it will be a nice, flat run!  Today, I ran 3.24 miles in 37 minutes!  For me, that's pretty good.  In addition to this run, made a quick stop by a shop and bought three bathing suits!  The pool here is heated, and the kids are BEGGING to go for a dip in the pool.  I forgot to bring their swimsuits from home, and JUST IN CASE I feel motivated I feel motivated to take them swimming tomorrow, we now can do!  You should have seen me running home carrying a bag in my hand.  I'm certain I looked a little odd.....

After  I ran, I took the girls on a bike ride to the park.  The had begged for me to take them on a ride earlier in the day, so I redeemed myself.  It was fun to watch the play and swing them though.  However, when we got back to the house and the girls realized Josh had gone with my mom and my sister to the beach, they were NOT happy.  Oh well.  I can't do it all.

I did splurge a little today.  Really, I did well minus the piece of divinity and the marshmallow/caramel bar I had tonight.  Adding up all of my calories, I don't think I had more 1400 calories, so I still okay!!  Sometimes being at the beach brings out the worst in my attempts at losing weight.  So far this trip hasn't been a complete failure!  Yay!  I don't have a picture of my watch from the run, but here are some cute pictures of the kids at the beach!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rain, Work And A Trip To The Gym

Well I did work out today.  It took so much effort to get out and got to the gym.  It was just nasty outside, and I didn't want to go.  However, I feel like I have been doing good, and I really want to continue.  This is living proof I was really there today.  Plus, I have to work tonight and nights are very hard on the diet.  When you are awake for 24 hours straight, overeating is a hard habit to break.  The one thing I always struggle with is how many calories should I eat when awake for that long.  1200 is way too few.  2000 is too many.  I'm aiming for 1700 or so today.  I will see how hungry or not hungry that makes me.  It's three in the afternoon, and I've had 550 calories.....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis And Exercise

I have been doing some research regarding MS and exercise.  The National MS Society actually has some really good information.  I have actually felt a little challenged by what I read there recently.  My favorite website for motivations is called Active MSer's.  It is the site where I was able to learn about the different cooling vests and how well they do or don't work.  Plus, I get to read about people who continue an active lifestyle and make the most of life even with MS.

I was reading weight lifting is very good for people with MS.  I have also been encouraged to do more weights to help with weight loss.  I had really been putting off weights because I'm training for the half marathon.  However, today I decided I would try the Centergy class at the gym.  This is one of the classes the gym says counts towards a weights work out.  It is really a lot like yoga, but man it is hard!  It really did work every part of my body as well as stretching and balance.  I have spastic muscles thanks to the MS.  They are always super tight.  For example, I can't bend and touch my toes without bending my knees a LOT!  I also have very poor coordination and balance.  I'm not sure if it's all MS related or just who I am, but I have NONE!  The stretching and balance work in the class are as hard, if not harder, for me than using my muscles for strength.  I'm hoping I can go to this class at least once a week.  It really challenges me.  I just hate feeling so inept in front of other people.  It is going to take a lot of stick-to-it-ness, but I know it will really help my MS related problems.

I'm hoping changing my lifestyle, exercise and doing the best I can do will help decrease my weight AND help all of the crappy MS symptoms I have.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How Frustrating

Crap. Now it's two days in a row I haven't exercised.  It really hasn't been by choice either.  Yesterday I had an appointment at the MS center for a research study I'm a part of right now.  These appointments take hours.  Because of that, my entire morning until I picked the kids up from preschool was busy.  After school, the gym's childcare is closed until four o'clock.  Then, the girls had ballet, and Josh and I went to the grocery store.  I would have gone to the gym after dinner, but one of the girls from work has a sick child.  Because of that, I was on call all night last night.  I was exhausted when I got home, and I slept all day long.

This morning, I ate 12 donut holes worth 600 calories.  However, I was awake for 24 hours.  How do I count those calories?  I didn't eat poorly at the hospital though.  Does that count for anything?

Now, I'm about to go back to work for the night.  I really just want to exercise.  It's always harder to eat right when I don't exercise.  Oh please let me stay good for the night........

Sunday, January 13, 2013

6 Miles

Sometimes being self reliant is a good thing. Today was one of those days. My sister, who is going to run the half marathon with me, is pregnant. She's in the first trimester and feels rotten. I had to make the decision for myself that I am going to train even if I have to do it by myself. I did it! I ran 6 miles, albeit slowly, but I fid it! Next week I'm aiming for eight!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cooling Vest

My Multiple Sclerosis makes everything a little more of challenge for me sometimes.  This is especially true when I exercise.  You see, I have this lesion on my cervical spine that greatly affects my legs.  When I get hot, my legs, feet and everything to my waist tingle and go numb.  There's really only one way to help this issue.  For Christmas, my mom bought me a cooling vest from Arctic Heat. It helps me so much!  For the first time since I had the relapse affecting my c-spine, I'm exercising!  I missed exercising a lot, and I gained tons of weight.  Now I don't have an excuse to not exercise.  I feel like I'm getting in control.  I think I can do this....again!

Have I mentioned I'm training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon!  Yep!  I'm telling you!  I feel really empowered with the cooling vest!  I know I can do it!  It's going to be hard getting ready so soon, but I can do it.  Please pray for me.  I want my life back.  I want my weight to get under control.  I don't want my MS to control me as much as it has lately.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


It is so embarrassing to admit I can't step on the scale.  I'm too afraid to see what the number is right now.  However, I know if I don't look soon, I will begin to feel discouraged.  I don't want that discouragement.  I'm going to try soon......

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Take 5 Million

I just want to lose weight!  Really?!?!?!?  Is it the impossible I'm asking here?  I don't know anymore.  I even looked into bariatric surgery.  My insurance doesn't cover it.  I'm back at my old gym.  Im just more comfortable there.  It's closer.  It's cheaper.  These are all important to me right now.  My sister and I are running a half marathon next month.  I have no idea how I'm going to survive it, but I will.  I'm actually training pretty hard for it right now.  My goal is to lose some weight in the process.  I just hate being fat.  Come on me.  I can do this..........