Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post Call Days

Post call days are tough.  Oddly, last night's call was EASY!  Easy meaning, I slept until 0400.  Then, I fell back asleep at 0615.  However, the problem is I NEVER sleep well on call.  I wake up through the night wondering if I missed pages or calls.  It's really odd to have such a quiet night.  I won't complain though.

After dropping the kids off at school this morning, I came home and took a nap.  I had only planned on sleeping an hour or two,  Instead, I slept until 1:32....two minutes after preschool ended!  Oops!  I wasn't even the last person in carpool line!  Now that is what I call talent!!

Needless to say, I missed my morning gym time.  Because of that, I had to make myself go after dinner. I just seem to lose my motivation by 7:00.  However, I went.  It was hard to talk myself into going, but I did it anyway.  Now I can just file this success away to remind myself to not give up later on.

I'm on call tomorrow night,so I have to nap AND work out while the kids are at school!  I like planning my day the night before.  Now I just have to follow through.

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