Friday, January 25, 2013

Virtual 5k

I am enjoying getting back into blogging again!  It's so great to just write down my thoughts.  Today I ran a "Virtual 5k" with everyone else who follows the Runs for Cookies blog.  It's Katie's 31st birthday, so in honor of this day, she held a virtual 5k.  There are no winners or losers.  Everyone who participates should feel good about the accomplishment.  I know I do!

I had to run on the treadmill today instead of outside.  For a Georgia girl, it was cold and nasty outside.  Yes this means it was 36 degrees with a little drizzle.  It just wasn't the type of day I wanted to be outside.  Honestly, I wouldn't have minded it, but there was no way I pushing a triplet stroller with three almost 5 year old children in it!  So, I hit the gym and dropped the kids off at child care.  That ended up working great for me.

I have to admit the treadmill was nice because I was able to push myself a little differently than I do when I'm outside.  I would run at 6.0 with a 1% incline for two minutes.  Then, I would slow it down to 4.5 for one minute.  I was able to do this for a little more than 2 miles.  I really started struggling and decreased my fast speed to 5.5.  i can't believe I was able to do as well as I did.  I sure am glad I was able to watch "Everybody Loves Raymond" on my phone while running.  I really needed the distraction.  The only problem is I got tickled at one point and almost tripped because of my foot drop!  Otherwise, it went great!

It is so nice to be getting some much needed encouragement via blogs.  It really reminds me of the really special times and friendships from blogging about my pregnancy and triplets for so long.  What a happy memory <3!

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